
Welcome to the Queen Mary Computer Vision Laboratory homepage

The Queen Mary Computer Vision Group has been conducting world-leading research in computer vision and machine learning for almost 30 years, and is internationally renowned for its work on video behaviour and action recognition, person re-identification, multi-camera tracking, and face analysis.

For over two decades, the Queen Mary Computer Vision Group has been funded by government research agencies including the UK SERC, MRC, EPSRC, BBSRC, DTI, MOD, DSTL, the Home Office, the Royal Society, the Welcome Trust; the European Union ESPRIT II, RACE, ACTS, HCM Networks, FP5 IST, FP7 ICT, FP7 ERC, FP7 SEC, FP7 Transport, H2020; the US DOD; and industrial partners including BAE Systems, BAA, BT Labs, BBC R&D, Safehouse International, Vision Semantics, Seequestor, and QinetiQ.

The core expertise of the group includes deep learning for generic visual computation, statistical modelling for pattern recognition, algebraic methods for visual information processing, biologically inspired mathematical modelling, zero-shot learning for scalable visual recognition, unsupervised learning for data structure discovery, human-in-the-loop modelling for adaptive model learning.

The main areas of application include but not limited to person re-identification, face recognition, action and behaviour analysis, clothing analysis, sketch recognition and synthesis, vehicle analysis, identity recognition, video summarisation, smart camera network, target detection and tracking, privacy, multi-view scene reconstruction, eye-movement, and 3D display.

We also have an official departmental site.